Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chat Room!



1 John 2:24-3:3
In Him we live and move and have our being.Acts 17:28

While enjoying the arrival of a new-great niece, I was reminded of how much work it is to take care of a newborn baby. They are needy little creations who want feeding, changing, holding, feeding, changing, holding, feeding, changing, holding. Totally unable to care for themselves, they depend on those older people surrounding them.

We're dependent children too--reliant on our Father in heaven. What do we need from Him that we can't provide for ourselves? "In Him we live and move and have our beings." He supplies our very breath. He also meets our needs "according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus"

We need our Father for peace in our troubles (John 16:33), love (1 John 3:1) and help in time of need (Ps. 46:1; Heb. 4:16). He gave victory in temptation (1 Cor. 10:13), forgiveness (1 John 1:9), purpose (Jer. 29:11), and eternal life (John 10:28). Without Him, we "can do nothing" (John 15:5). And from Him, "we have all received one blessing after another" (John 1:16 NIV).

Let's not think of ourselves as totally independent--because we're not. THe Lord sustains us day by day. In many ways, we're as needy as a newborn baby. --Anne Cetas

We are dependent on the Lord
who showers us with blessings;
He gives us everything we need--
withour him we are nothing.

Korean Ginseng

These days, I am still exhausted.

Some of my friends and I went to church.

We had a prayer meeting.

After having a lunch fellowship, I taught two students.

And then, I finally got home before the sunset.

When I got home, I prepared dinner.

I was very tired, so I couldn’t do anything at night.

I still have to continue doing the home page of our work, but I am really tired that I couldn’t do it anymore.

Sometime, I am thinking of having a break, but I cannot.

There are really lots of works that I have to finish.

Since there are lots of work to do, I had to take multivitamins and the most famous and expensive ginseng ( in Korea.

This is a root crop which has many benefits.

This ginseng is good for the blood flow.

It can also prevent getting old because it is rich in anti-oxidant.

It decreases blood pressure, it recovers the liver, it controls stomach ache, controls sugar, and it can prevent cancer, helps to relieve stress, good for allergies and other skin diseases.

This can also increase the immune system.

This ginseng can cure almost every disease.

The benefits of the medicine make it expensive.

Though it is expensive, at least it can heal any kind of disease.

They say that it is better to avoid than to cure.

So, before your help becomes severe, you should try this ginseng.

Do you know what makes it expensive?

It is because it takes a long year before you can harvest the plant.

The minimum number of year before you can harvest it is 6 years.

The most effective ginseng is about 200-300 years.

The cost of this ginseng is 200, 000, 000 won.

That is why some people search for ginseng in the mountain.

Its value is similar to the gold.

So, when someone finds a ginseng, they will shout with glee.

This is very bitter, that’s why we have to mix it with honey bee so it will taste better.

Do you know a person who can afford this ginseng?

The CEO of Hyundai has bought the most expensive ginseng.

He wanted to live long, so he bought this ginseng.

He was able to live long, but he’s dead now because of his age.

We should eat this ginseng slowly because it has a high dosage.

~written by ma'am Rebecca ^_^

My Cute Dog was Lost!

Yesterday, I spent most of my time hanging out with my friend.

The most unforgettable thing that has happened yesterday has something to do with my dog. 

My friend and I decided to go shopping. 

My dog seems to be talking to me through his eyes that he wanted to go with us. 

But, I didn’t bring it with us because it is unsafe outside.

When I got home, I was frightened when I noticed that my dog isn’t in my home.

I immediately looked around and asked my neighbours. 

I didn’t hesitate to ask my neighbours because most of them are also Korean just like me. 

It was a relief when my neighbour told me that she saw my dog and kept it with her while I wasn’t at home yet. 

I was really happy when I discovered where my dog is.

This is not actually the first time that has happened to my dog. 

A couple of weeks ago, my dog also went out of my house. 

It’s a good thing that he didn’t get out of the building, but he only went up of the building.

My dog is really cute, so lots of my friends envy me. 

They always request that once my dog gives birth, I will give them a puppy.

This dog was originated in Korea. 

I am glad that I am able to bring it here in Qatar. 

It was just then a puppy before so, it’s easier for me to bring it with me. 

I put it in a small basket or carrier and then kept it in the compartment of the airplane. 

However, I’m afraid that if I go back to Korea, I could not bring it back there anymore because it has already grown up.

The good thing is that I know she will be in a good hand once I left it. 

As I have told you a while ago, most of my neighbours are Korean. 

I have already talked to them to pamper my dog when I go back to Korea. 

Though I will leave my dog here, at least I am confident that it will be in a good hand; that somebody will take care of it.

I am sending you a picture of my dog when it was still young until it has grown up. 

What I like the most about my dog is its nose. 

It’s very cute and very small. 

Other than that, the fur is also attractive. 

I am really blissful of having such a dog like mine. 

To show how I really love it, I made lots of pictures of my dog and displayed them on the wall.

In any circumstance when my dog wasn’t immediately found, I would surely make a poster of it and post it everywhere so that people could help me retrieve my dog. 

Talking about the reward, I cannot tell exactly because the amount I will give will reflect on how much I love my dog. 

For me, my dog is priceless because I do not consider her as a dog or an animal, or even a pet, but as part of my family.

Way back in Korea, we also had a dog before. 

It has been with us for many years already. 

One day, it has suddenly disappeared. 

My friends told me that the reason why it has suddenly disappeared because it might not want us to see him die. 

That dog really loves us so much, so it doesn’t want us to be saddened. 

Upon hearing the reason of my dog’s disappearance, I could not understand my feeling. 

It was a mixed-emotion. 

I was sad and at the same time, I was also very happy.

Talking about my dog, there are some touching things that it does with me.

I could feel how much my dog loves me. 

There was one time when I was carrying a very heavy thing. When my dog saw that, she almost bites the bottle. 

Maybe, she thought that the bottle makes me tired, so it keeps on barking at the bottle. 

I wanted to share with you how lovely my dog is. 

If given the chance, I will be sending you a video clip of my dog. 

~written by ma'am Rebecca ^_^

Chuseok Labor Day Ramadan

I didn’t have a tight sleep last night, so I’m a little tired now. 

After our class yesterday, I went back to bed and slept again.

Don’t you know that it is a holiday today? 

It’s Labor Day if I’m not mistaken. 

This is the day for employees. 

However, it is not practised in Korea. 

It could be a nonworking day for some private organizations, but not for public institutions. 

Some students in Korea still go to school today. 

Since there are students, teachers should also go to school to teach. 

There may be some public institutions in Korea that do not function today since it is a holiday.

I’ve heard that this holiday is originated from a communist country that’s why not all countries like Korea do observe this holiday. 

For Korean, this is just a usual working day. 

In Korea, there are only two big holidays that are observed. 

We only celebrate Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day.

In Qatar, there aren’t many holidays, too. 

There is only one big holiday that they celebrate here which is called Ramadan. 

In this event, they do not eat anything on daytime.

 They could not eat anything. 

Nonetheless, they could have a heavy meal when the sun sets. 

They spend the whole day worshipping their God. 

They worship their God through kneeling down or bowing facing a specific direction. 

Some people in Saudi Arabia are very devoted to their God. 

When the settled time for praying comes, they have to bow down and pray to their God. 

Whenever they are, they have to spread their small blanket and pray to God. 

Some of them even go to the Mosque and they pray there. 

There is a bell that they play in Qatar. 

This sound signals the citizen that it’s time to bow down and worship their God. 

At first, it was very surprising in my part. 

But, after a couple of months, I am used to it already. 

It doesn’t matter to me anymore. 

I have to respect the way they worship their God especially that I am in their country.

Though all the people in Qatar are Muslim, they still give liberty to other religion to worship their God. 

Just like me, I can worship my God that I recognized. 

~written by ma'am Rebecca^_^

Computer Programming

 Computer programming is also a hard job. 

Being a computer programmer consumes most of your time. 

The work usually starts early in the morning, so it’s too hard to work as a computer programmer. 

Aside from starting very early in the morning, you also finish the work late at night.

Today, I am going to enumerate some of the disadvantages of being a computer programmer.

First of all, my body gets weak because every command of the CEO thinks that computer programmer stands up until night time. 

Some of the CEO is very demanding. 

For them, working early in the morning and finishing work late at night is just a common thing.

Computer programming company has a small size. 

Sometimes, they have a project, sometimes none.

After finishing the project, the company will not have an income anymore. 

As a result, we couldn’t also get our salary because our salary depends only on the revenue.

That’s the reason why I changed my company; because I was not able to receive my salary for few months.

Because of this experience that I have encountered, I decided not to stay long in a company which has the same method when it comes to the payment.

And also, the environment in computer programming is of poor quality.

After my 30s, I felt so much worn-out, so I can’t stand up the whole night anymore.

The second thing is that every programmer must study continuously because the language and terms used in programming is changing and/or upgrading. 

Thus, every worker should also upgrade themselves because if they don’t, they might lose their job.

This requirement makes the employees more tired because aside from consuming most of their time, they still have to exert effort in studying for new terms or vocabularies.

~written by ma'am Rebecca ^_^

My Dream about Water


I had a deep sleep last night that leads me to dream about a saltwater.

In that dream, I saw people living in the seashore, and suddenly there was a heavy rain.

This causes the place to get flooded.

The residence had to evacuate.

And then, I saw some fishermen fishing nearby.

They have caught many fish.

It's strange because some of them even caught some fabric conditioners and dish washing liquids.


This morning, I asked my best friend ( to give me some interpretation of my dream.

This is what I searched:

To see or taste saltwater in your dream symbolizes tears and heartache. It may also indicate some emotional outburst or suffering.

When you see a lot of water, as in a flood, its meaning is negative, because it symbolizes attachment to Earth, or in other words, the one who dreams of water (usually in an inundation) is too materialistic. They do not consider the existence of their spirit; they behave as if their lives didn’t have any meaning beyond daily survival. The water they see is the spirit that was light and invisible flying in the air but became heavy water that gravitated towards the earth, and fell from its proper dimension. (

This could be true.

Oh, and I just remember now.

Even before I moved here in Batangas City, I have dreamed about ocean again.

In that dream, a shark is chasing me, and suddenly, I was brought to the seashore.

On the seashore, I met friends who has their own luxury cars, and they lent me one.

In my older post, I have mentioned in there about my experiences in this city.

It was a little chaos.

That could be the meaning of my dream before moving here.

How about this latest dream about my dream of water again?

Keep posted to know the outcome in my life....

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Welcome to Mike's World!: Classroom Ideas~