Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Dream about Water


I had a deep sleep last night that leads me to dream about a saltwater.

In that dream, I saw people living in the seashore, and suddenly there was a heavy rain.

This causes the place to get flooded.

The residence had to evacuate.

And then, I saw some fishermen fishing nearby.

They have caught many fish.

It's strange because some of them even caught some fabric conditioners and dish washing liquids.


This morning, I asked my best friend ( to give me some interpretation of my dream.

This is what I searched:

To see or taste saltwater in your dream symbolizes tears and heartache. It may also indicate some emotional outburst or suffering.

When you see a lot of water, as in a flood, its meaning is negative, because it symbolizes attachment to Earth, or in other words, the one who dreams of water (usually in an inundation) is too materialistic. They do not consider the existence of their spirit; they behave as if their lives didn’t have any meaning beyond daily survival. The water they see is the spirit that was light and invisible flying in the air but became heavy water that gravitated towards the earth, and fell from its proper dimension. (

This could be true.

Oh, and I just remember now.

Even before I moved here in Batangas City, I have dreamed about ocean again.

In that dream, a shark is chasing me, and suddenly, I was brought to the seashore.

On the seashore, I met friends who has their own luxury cars, and they lent me one.

In my older post, I have mentioned in there about my experiences in this city.

It was a little chaos.

That could be the meaning of my dream before moving here.

How about this latest dream about my dream of water again?

Keep posted to know the outcome in my life....

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