Saturday, May 25, 2013



Husbands love your wives just as Christ also lived the church and gave Himself for her. –Ephesians 5:25

I’ve been amazed at the impact that my wife, Martie, has had on the lives of our kids. Very few roles demand the kind of unconditional, self-sacrificing perseverance and commitment as that of motherhood. I know for certain that my character and faith have been shaped and molded by my mom, Corabelle. Let’s face it, where would we be without our wives and mothers?

It reminds me of one of my favourite memories in sports history. Phil Mickelson walked up the 18th fairway at the Masters Golf Tournament in 2012 after his putt to clinch one of golf’s most coveted prizes for the third time. But it wasn’t his victory leap on the green that had an impact on me. It was when he made a beeline through the crowd to his wife, who was battling life-threatening cancer. They embraced, and the camera caught a tear running down Phil’s cheek as he held his wife close for a long time.

Our lives need to experience the kind of sacrificial, self-less love that has been shown ti us by the Lover of our souls. As Paul out it, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” (Eph. 5:25).Prizes come and go, but it’s the people you love—and who love you—that matter most. –Joe towel

A man who finds a godly wife
Is blest beyond compare;
She is his greatest prize in life—
A treasure rich and rare.—D. De Haan

Life is not about the prizes we win, but the people we love.

Taken from: Our Daly Bread

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